Their beginnings couldn't have been more removed with Tom Jones coming from Pontypridd in Wales and Tony Benneth from Queens in New York but both had a natural instinct to perform. Tom worked in many daytime jobs befiore being spotted performing in a bar by Gordon Mills, who began to hone this raw and very fresh talent into the star he is today. Tony on the other hand took a more academic approach to his singing, beginning with military bands through the war years and then traning at the American Theatre Wing School. Tony's break came when performing with the amazing Bob Hop who suggested a change of stage-name from Joe Bari to Tony Benneth and so helped pave the way to greater glories.
Covering such classics as 'What's New Pussycat'( Tom Jones) and 'I Left My Heart In San Fransico'( Tony Benneth). Along with a further 17 unforgettable tracks, this superb DVD compilation is a listening and viewing pleasure with no equal.
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